Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My day sucked even though my gourds rock

Wow. Got a butt load of feedback on the new site and my blog. A couple of people have been Bond-mo-tized too, so now I have 2 official blog stalkers AKA: "followers." I have never been so proud.

So today I am all at my desk. I am eying the scissors and thinking how perfectly they would fit into my eye socket. Then I remembered "Hey, I am a blushing Blog virgin and I have an official site!" So I checked in and realized that even though my day largely sucked, my gourds are not too shabby.

So now I want to tout them as "live-saving" gourds or "good karma" gourds. I want my own infomercial with Marlo Thomas as my spokesperson.


Anonymous said...

You are a super rocker gourde chick.

Okay, I'll stick to this blog. Looks good. Not sure about the Dali pics though. Now, that makes ME want to get a pair of scissors to the eye.

Christina Thompson said...

you now have 4 followers!