Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scavenger Hunt

Last night a friend was talking about the music she wanted at her funeral, so we got to chatting about funeral requests.

The first thing that came to mind for me was a scavenger hunt. I like to create elaborate scavenger hunts for every possible occasion. I have been doing it for years. Rhyming clues that are themed with the party. I like to arrange it all in various ways. My fave is to hide the clues in balloons, then hide the balloons too. The hunters have to pop the balloon to get the clue--good for lots of screaming and excitement.

Anyways, so I am thinking why I have such a penchant for scavenger hunts. I am thinking this may have to do with the fact that because I am lost and also that I am seeking. Maybe I am just expressing some need.

This is when it sux to be a counselor. To be overly analytical. Sux.

I am going to have to work on the theme and the prize a little. Maybe I can make a gourd in my likeness, put it in a little coffin and allow the funeral guests to search for it by uncovering little clues. I can see it now. People dressed in black, trotting around the cemetery looking for clues.

Oh, well that won't work. I am donating my body to science. Wow, well that gives me lots of new ideas....