Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Moral Turpitude

I had a rather interesting and enlightening convo with my sis n law the other day. She made a good point regarding some of my blogs and accompanying pics. She stated, quite reasonably, that I put myself at risk when I ride the edge, or go over it through word choice, pics of gestures, messages that are harsh and can be taken the wrong way.

Solid advice and points all well taken.

But..and you knew there was one....I am tired of being repressed. I thought about this for hours and hours after our conversation, and here is the deal. I will have to step up and own things I say and do. I may be over the edge, my language when I am ticked is foul--ask anyone who knows me--I will make threats and warnings (but I make good on them--I will give myself that. If I threaten you, guess what? I am not joking). I am human and I would like to be genuine as well. I just cannot put on airs any longer, let people mistreat me and do nothing, express nothing. Nope, I just am not going to do it any more.

So if my words and ideas defy moral turpitude, then so be it. This stance is subjective at best and I have up until recently allowed this concept to imprison part of my spirit. I also have first amendment rights to say what ever the heck I want.

In short, if my blog offends you, then don't fucking read it.

"Well behaved women rarely make history." Laurel Thatcher Ullrich

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So I finished my first professional gourd sale and mailed it off today. It is a cat clown/Pierrot called Mischief.

So does one sale make me a professional artist or just a cool artsy chick? Well it is not the first one I have sold, just the fist one sold to a person who is not connected to me in any way, just thru the art.

Man, I am kind of a big deal now.