Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A blog for your thoughts.....

I think sadness and blogging should sort of not go together, but then somehow are a perfect combination. Ironic, huh? On the one hand, it could drive your ass totally over the edge. Say you are thinking of hurting yourself or others, hypothetically. You sit down, you are crying, mascara running, you are drinking coffee or Southern Comfort or coffee spiked with Southern Comfort through a straw but otherwise in a coffee mug because your kids are still awake. You are feeling like fresh hell. You begin to blog. And you blog and blog and get worked up and the BAM! you are down one dog or cat in the house.

On the other hand, it could be totally cathartic. You let that bad energy flow onto your well-conceived and charming blog page. The words flow, let's see...Southern Comfort. Yes your blog becomes proverbial Southern Comfort. You harm no animals. You take no prisoners. You do no drunk texting or e-mailing or Facebooking. You manage to stay out of jail yet once again and all thanx to your quirky, urban, yet somehow non-threatening or pretentious blog.

You are now totally unblocked artistically. You are able to down a margarita flavored Spike and make some gourds. Well, I make gourds. Others may find themselves gardening, napping, making a bong out of a coke can---whatever---the point is you are all sane again cuz you had a blog to save you.

I am sad today.

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