Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Small Minded People and Liars

Small minded people suck and people who lie to others whom they supposedly care about should burn in a special hell. I could stop here and have said what I came to say, but then what would be the fun in that really?

Let us start with small minded people. You know the pouty, foot-stomper people in the next cube or office over from you at work? Yes, that guy. The one who works their passive aggressive magic on all of the other small minded people in a sort of social war tactic against those of us who are a lot better than that. See, this "mean girl" network is the only weapon of those who are weak in both mind and spirit and often times body as well. Well, fair warning to all of you and you know who you are. I am going to kick your fat asses in more ways than one.

Now that I am sufficiently warmed up, let me take on liars. You know the kind that lie to you so that they can in turn lie to themselves. You end up just being a vehicle really for their battle against themselves and their own shortcomings. That is what hurts--the whole human toilet feeling. Like someone has taken your feelings and flushed them down the toilet, but this person is akin to someone who lives in the sticks not the city, so your emotions do not travel thru the city works, get purified and ultimately survive to go back thru the proverbial city plumbing system only to travel thru yet another person. No this asshole has a fuking septic tank and guess what? Yep, your emotions get to sit and stew in that aromatic quagmire. Gee, thanx so much for that.

Aesop Rock has a song called "No Regrets." It is a really killer song about a girl called Lucy who lives her life as an artist and cares little for much else because she is passionate about art and expression and positive things. When she is a girl, the other kids don't "get" her. They mess with her, say mean things and she responds to their inane requests to get her to do things with "I'm busy, thank you much" and continues to draw her cityscape in chalk on the sidewalk for a whole city block. When she stops they say tauntingly "You're just giving in" and she says "I'm not giving in, I'm finished" and she walks away.

As a young woman, other young women invite her to lunch more because they are gossipy and nosey and not so much cuz they like her. They think she is weird--a novelty. Lucy tells them "I'm busy, thank you much" and then the song states, "While they spread their rumors thru the streets, she made another masterpiece."

As an old woman in a nursing home, she tells the nurse "Look, I never had a dream in my life because a dream is what you want to do but still never pursue. I knew what I wanted and did it until it was done so I've been the dream that I wanted to be since day one." She then blows a kiss to each of her pictures, then she dies.

So to all you complete and utter bitches who in all honesty I do not think are good enough to be breathing my air "I'm busy, thank you much."

Sunday, December 7, 2008


I made a new gourd for the annual Chula X-mas extravaganza where we smoke, drink, say "bawlsaq" a lot and generally act very unladylike. So anywayz, I make one of my sculptures as my gift for the fuk-u-beeyotch-I-am-stealin-ur present gift exchange we do. You know where you can pick from under the tree or steal someone else's gift?? The deal is that once one has been stolen 3 times, it is frozen and not even the number 1 person can steal it back in the end.

I get a bottle of wine that Allison has had labeled special so that it says "Chula Ballsaq" with a caption that reads "Here's to getting really drunk." DeLaine gets some x-mas thongs from Conn, Conn gets the baby Jeezus, Mary and Joseph lantern sculpture and guess what? She's Jewish, and Gerlich gets the 25 days of x-mas shot glass/candle holders--yeah right you can put a tea light into anything and call it a "candle holder." The list goes on, but you get the picture.

So my gourd gets stolen 3 times and frozen and I was so flattered by that. At the end of the party, I took a pic of my gourd reindeer in her box before Emma took her home. I was really sad. I was thinking how attached I get to the sculptures sometimes. How there is a piece of me in each one of them and that they are really actually quite personal. Then I realize that the sadness is also in part because the party is over. This is the end of another year and the party that we all wait all year for is now at a close. It is bittersweet really because every year, we get closer in this group of friends that we call chulas. Our own ya-ya sista hood. You start to wonder with every passing year if we will be 65 years old sitting in Diane's living room laughing and cussing and eating chimichurri and sushi.

I hope so.